Friday, April 27, 2012

Stand Up for Your Constitutional Rights!

Dear friend of liberty,

The House will begin debating H.R. 3523, the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act" (CISPA) today, and a vote on final passage is expected tomorrow.

We already have to be careful enough about our privacy on the Internet, but CISPA is the next great threat to further expand the government's control over what we say and do online.

Unlike the fight against SOPA and PIPA, however, the cavalry isn't coming to back us up.

This time, Internet giants like Facebook and Twitter are all openly supporting CISPA.

Please take a moment to contact Rep. David Dreier by phone at (202) 225-2305 and by email to urge a "NO" vote on H.R. 3523 and any other similar legislation!

As Matt Hawes wrote to you on Saturday, we've seen the power the liberty movement can have when it speaks out with a unified voice.

And since my last email, I've already heard firsthand about our members sending a high volume of calls to Congress on CISPA.

But we need to turn up the pressure as high as we can get it if we're going to win this fight.

So please, take five minutes of your time to contact Rep. David Dreier by phone at (202) 225-2305 and by email to urge a "NO" vote on H.R. 3523.

Our privacy is on the line.

In Liberty,

Tim Shoemaker
Director of Legislation

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