The Upcoming Week of Action
A number of progressive organizations, unions and other grassroots groups are spearheading efforts to make the coming week a unified call to action for jobs. Whether the actions are called "America Wants to Work" or "Jobs Not Cuts," they are happening all across the country next week. Many will focus on passing the American Jobs Act to create millions or sorely needs jobs. Also see the CPUSA toolkit on organizing for jobs.Occupy Wall Street - and the Nation!
Beginning on September 17th, Wall Street has been occupied by anywhere from dozens to thousands of protesters. Deemed, The 99% (as opposed to the top 1%), the protests are a call to join forces to take our nation back from the ruling 1% who own most of the resources - and politicians - in this country. Two articles from the People's World on this are: "America's kids tell their stories from their Wall Street camp" and "Unions joining Wall Street protests." Speaking of unions joining in, United Steel Workers president Leo Gerand tells Ed Schultz why the labor movement is supporting the occupation of Wall Street and its growing number of solidarity events around the country (currently 150 other cities - look for an action near you.)Please make sure to visit the People's World online for the best in worker's news!
In solidarity,
Scott Marshall
Labor Chair, CPUSASource: e-letter from CPUSA
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