Thursday, July 28, 2011

In Case You Missed It: Dems Hitting The Panic Button Over Losing Latinos

By Michael Short

The Daily Caller: “Look no further than Barack Obama’s Monday speech at the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, one of the nation’s largest Hispanic advocacy groups. After being chided a week before by the organization’s leader, the President offered hints of support for immigration reform, but was clear about one thing: ‘The Democrats and your president are with you, don’t get confused about that.’ …

“Apart from the GOP, there is another group that may disagree with the confident statements of Democrats: Latino voters themselves …

“’The DNC leadership and their spokespeople can say whatever they want about Latinos but the reality is Latino organizations are not happy with Obama,’ Bettina Inclan, a Republican political strategist who blogs extensively on conservative Latino issues, told The Daily Caller. ‘You have the National Council of La Raza saying that Democrats have to woo Latinos more because they realize the broken promises and the horrible economy they’re facing. … I think these political people have to take their head out of the sand and realize what’s going on and the reality is that, the Hispanic vote, the Latino vote, is up for grabs’ …

“The number of Hispanic Democratic officeholders has decreased by about 2 percent since 2006, while it’s jumped to 22.5 percent for Hispanic Republicans, according to NPR. Thanks to the 210 midterm elections, state-level elected Hispanic Republicans now outnumber corresponding Democrats by a 5-to-3 margin …

“’This ad is a desperate attempt by Democrats to save face in light of the GOP’s successful messaging within the Hispanic community,’ said RNC spokeswoman Victoria Martinez, who continued: ‘Voters, especially Hispanic voters, know that they cannot afford four more years of President Obama’ …

“‘I think what’s going to happen more during this election cycle, everyone is going to be talking about the economy. Is immigration a concern? Yeah, but I think one of the biggest problems with immigrations  goes back to Obama’s broken promises,’ said Inclan …”

McClatchy Newspapers: “President Barack Obama promised a Hispanic group Monday that he'd continue to push for a sweeping immigration overhaul even as he acknowledged frustration that he's failed to deliver on his promises.

“Obama noted that he'd pledged during his 2008 campaign to ‘work tirelessly to fix our broken immigration system and make the Dream Act a reality’ so that the undocumented children of illegal immigrants could stay in the U.S. and study …

“La Raza president Janet Murguia said … she and conference attendees acknowledged frustration with the administration …”

Source: RNC Press Release

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