This is one in a series of articles being featured on the Political Spectrum as part of Secession Week.
Dear Sir,
I hope this note finds you and yours in fine health and cheer this Christmas season. I want to commend you on your many efforts for spreading the truth. I had been employed part time as a maintenance man for a local bank for the past year. This past Friday I had a disagreement with the Sr. V.P., a nice educated (by federalists) black lady from Texas who saw my Southern Cross of Honor patch on my jacket sleeve and said I couldn't wear it any longer as it was offensive. You know how the rest went, she had made up her mind and I was a dirty racist member of the Klan. She was one of my favorite people at the bank but I had to quit my job right at Christmas because of her contempt. Small price to pay compared to the brave men who gave everything, even compared to your sacrifices made for the truth of our ancestors. God bless you sir, and may God continue to guide and protect you in all that you do.
Deo Vindice,
Dear Steve,
I would go back to the employer for my job. I wouldn't have quit. I would have let management make that call. If this lady was truly your friend, then she should have had an open mind for some truth. Her statements to you are truly offensive to me and a whole lot of people who look like me.
Are we suppose to forget the millions of Blacks, freed or indentured, who willingly gave their service in support of what had become their homeland and family, the Southland of America? And I would suggest that folks like this lady should at least read the letter that the Honorable R.L. Dabney sent to the Union General Howard in September of 1865 in the General's capacity as Head of the Freedman's Bureau.

So now here we are with aspersions being cast upon an honorable and religious symbol that championed a people from the region of this nation who felt that they were being unfairly taxed, and I might add almost into State bankruptcy, that the Federal Government was too big and had began circumventing powers from the people and their State that had not been regulated to them by the National Constitution. Sounds a whole lot like what the Tea Party of the 21st century and many, many citizens from all regions of America are saying.
The problem with this lady and a whole lot of folks like her is that they cannot grasp the chicanery of those folks who continue to distort the truth. "The Christian White folks in the Southland of America are the only human beings world wide who ever truly loved the Black folks of Africa ". The NAACP is not new, the Union League had a similar agenda, and the same Masters leading it. King wanted the Table of Brotherhood and prepared it, but remember that I and a whole lot of Sons of former slaves and the Sons of former slave owners will be there carrying the Southern Cross, so that there will be no mistake of who we are and what we stand for. God bless you, Merry Christmas, and you, your family, and friends have a Prosperous New Year as well.
Your brother,
HK EdgertonFirst image used courtesy of Fine Art America. Second image used courtesy of
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