Leading presidential contender champions defense authority of “We the People,” notes Revolution PAC.

“Treaties cannot amend our Constitution,” explained Paul. “Because two generations ago, somebody signed a piece of paper saying that no matter what happens to Taiwan or South Korea or Israel, you can commit the next generation to automatic war. That’s immoral, and it’s not constitutional.”
Paul in the interview reemphasized his support for a policy of limited foreign intervention defined by formal declarations of war, limited and defined scope, and fundability.
Congressman Paul’s points Tuesday are echoed in his current “Texas Straight Talk” column admonishing Barack Obama for violating the War Power Resolution Act. In the piece, Paul declares, “The most dangerous and costly overstepping of executive authority is going to war without a congressional declaration. Congress has been sadly complicit in this usurpation by ceding much of its war-making authority to the executive because it wants to avoid taking responsibility for major war decisions, but that is part of our job in Congress! If the President cannot present to Congress and the people a convincingly strong case for going to war, then perhaps we should keep the nation at peace, rather than risk our men and women’s lives for ill-defined reasons!”
“Ron Paul clearly takes his oath to the U.S. Constitution seriously,” explains Revolution PAC Chair Gary Franchi. “He understands that checks and balances provide a bulwark against overblown executive power and preserve individual freedom and collective prosperity in America.”
Franchi continues, “The choice is clear in this presidential race: Ron Paul’s ‘humble foreign policy’ or more endless, undeclared and unaccountable wars of aggression.”
Rep. Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” proposes eliminating all foreign aid and curtailing foreign wars. A former U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, Paul received the most campaign contributions from active members of the U.S. Armed Forces in 3Q 2011 than all presidential contenders, including Barack Obama.
Revolution PAC is supporting Ron Paul’s consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising campaigns complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.
Ron Paul...Is an odd mixture of brilliance & buffoonery.