Sunday, November 27, 2011

Young Americans Want Less Government

By Jack Hunter
Many observers can’t figure out why Ron Paul attracts so many young supporters. This CNS News report gives some insight as to why a rising generation wanting less spending and debt continues to rally behind the greatest modern day champion of limited government:
Generation Opportunity, a non-profit group that seeks to engage Americans of all ages who are dissatisfied with the status quo and have the willingness to create a better tomorrow, conducted a poll recently that showed the views that 18-29-year-olds have on leadership in Washington and government spending, current satisfaction with employment, and national security concerns.
“People don’t feel as though small businesses and startups are in an environment right now where the government understands what needs to get done, which is get out of the way,” said Generation Opportunity President Paul Conway. “People are frustrated, extremely frustrated.”
According to the poll, young Americans favor a smaller budget.
On the budget battle in Washington, the poll shows that 76 percent of millennials—those born between 1981 and 2000—favor a decrease in federal spending from its current level. Also, 69 percent prefer reducing spending over raising taxes on individuals in order to balance the budget, and 59 percent think the economy would grow best if Washington got out of the way.
Terrorism was not the greatest threat to national security, the poll showed. Topping American national security concerns was the national debt (63 percent), energy dependency (61 percent) and indebtedness to foreign powers (50 percent) were second and third respectively. Terrorism ranked fourth among national security concerns.
Source: Ron Paul campaign site

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