Touts on campaign trail yet attacks author Ron Paul in national debate, notes Revolution PAC

Said the former Pennsylvania senator:
“He’s never really passed anything of any importance. One of the reasons people like Congressman Paul is his economic plan. He’s never been able to accomplish any of that. He has no track record of being able to work together. He’s been out there on the margins and has really been unsuccessful in working together with anybody to do anything.”
It was Rep. Paul’s Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which generated 319 House co-sponsors, that led to the first-ever Government Accountability Office audit in 2011 of the Federal Reserve. The action revealed $16 trillion in previously undisclosed bailouts of foreign and domestic banks and corporations.
Newt Gingrich has called the Fed’s secret operations “shocking and infuriating,” telling the Atlanta Press Club in June 2011, “There is no elected official who has done a greater job of bringing to public attention the very serious problems raised by the operations of the Federal Reserve than Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul. We all owe him a debt of gratitude for focusing our attention on the very real erosion of American freedom and prosperity caused by the actions of the Federal Reserve.”
“Ron Paul’s drive to audit the Fed – taking an issue few Americans thought about and putting it front and center in the national conversation – is the kind of thing most politicians wouldn’t dare dream of attempting,” explains Revolution PAC Honorary Chair Tom Woods.
Santorum lashed out over the weekend as his own fiscal record withered under scrutiny. Dr. Paul called Santorum a “big-government, big-spending individual” at Saturday’s ABC News/WMUR debate, a charge that Club for Growth promptly verified.
“Senator Santorum’s boast about his legislative accomplishments is not an empty one, to be sure,” continues Woods. “But his accomplishments – if we can call them that – are all bad.”
Woods concludes, “We’d be in a much stronger fiscal position and far less of a crisis had Rick Santorum kept his addiction to spending under control. His record is a disgrace.”
Rep. Paul surged in New Hampshire following the January 3 Iowa Caucuses, currently polling in strong second position in the Granite State.
Revolution PAC is supporting Ron Paul’s consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising, direct mail campaigns and innovative Web promotions complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.
Source: Revolution PAC
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