Monday, January 7, 2013

Star Parker: Detached from Reality

Here’s two ways to think about the “fiscal cliff” deal that just took place in Washington.

You are sitting at dinner and television is on, broadcasting the news. There is one story after another about things you don’t want to hear. Recession. Unemployment. You walk over to the TV, turn it off – or switch to a sitcom or sporting event - and sit back down to finish your meal in peace.

Or a more personal version.

You take your mail out of the mailbox and see the bills that are due. Without opening the envelopes, you throw them into a desk drawer with vague intention to open them at some point. Or you have voicemails from creditors that you erase and then head out to a show.

There is an inconvenient truth called reality. There are aspects of reality – things involving behavior and obligations that, unlike a rock falling on your head, can be denied so that, at the moment it’s like it’s not there.

Our political “friends” in Washington welcomed in 2013 for us by turning off the TV, by throwing the unopened bills into the drawer, allowing Americans to…

Source: Town Hall

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