The Ship of State is listing badly to
and Judge Andrew Napolitano is the star to steer her by.
and Judge Andrew Napolitano is the star to steer her by.
Draft the Judge, He
Tells The Truth

The Country Needs the Liberty Movement.
The Liberty Movement Needs Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Sign the Petition to Draft Judge Napolitano in 2013
The Liberty Movement Needs Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Sign the Petition to Draft Judge Napolitano in 2013
We know that Judge
Napolitano is the one candidate who can carry Ron Paul’s mantel in
the 2016 elections.
He has demonstrated time and time again – on
national television – that he won’t bow down to the Republican
Establishment leaders. He has shown a unique willingness to challenge the
doctrine of go-along-get-along in Washington DC. He has been fearless in
standing up to the culture of elitism and top-down control that emanates
from our nation’s capital.
We know that Judge
Napolitano can prevent our movement from getting divided and conquered by
those in both the Democrat and Republican parties who want to squash
Liberty for the sake of their cynical electoral
And, if the Judge’s long track record of
Constitutional advocacy and principled leadership isn’t evidence
enough, Ron Paul himself vouched for the Judge, stating he would call on
Judge Napolitano to be his Vice President.
We’ve got our
champion. We know who can stand on the bow of the ship of Liberty and point
America towards the bright future she deserves. Now, we must rally together
and make it our mission to convince the Judge that this country needs him
Like all those who
should be in a position of power, Judge Napolitano is reluctant to
entertain the possibility. This is all the more reason that he’s our
guy. The Judge has no masters to serve except the Constitution, and no
special interest groups besides the people of our great
That’s the kind of man Ron Paul is, and that’s exactly
the candidate the Liberty Movement must always have.

We watched last year as more of the
political discussion in America turned toward the Liberty platform. And
while this is a much-welcomed change in discourse, it brings a real and
present danger. Republicans and Democrats alike are taking talking points
from us, yet they aren’t doing anything in Congress or in the White
House to put feet to their words.
We can’t allow empty talkers to
steal our movement – that would surely lead to our destruction.
That’s why it is so imperative that we have a proven Constitutional
advocate holding the line as our commander.
Drafting Judge
Napolitano isn’t just about having a true believer in the cause of
Liberty – it’s about having someone who knows how to inspire
and enlighten like Ron Paul does. And as Dr. Paul recognized when he called
on the Judge to be his Vice President, Judge Andrew Napolitano has spent
years doing just that.
Whether with his time as a jurist, or
through his books and book tours, or his time on national television
advocating for a return to Constitutional Liberty in America, the Judge has
been a beacon towards the America our Founders intended.
So now that we know
who can be the perfect leader for Liberty as our presidential contender for
2016 – endorsed in the strongest terms by Ron Paul, and a proven and
unshakeable warrior for Liberty on the national stage – we
don’t have a minute to lose.
We must start 2013 off with a tireless
effort to convince the Judge of just how much America needs him. And just
like Eisenhower, Judge Napolitano will resist the Presidency until the
people demand he accept it. In fact, supporters tried to motivate
Eisenhower for more than two years before he finally threw his hat in the
I can’t speak for Eisenhower’s motivations, but I know
why Judge Napolitano won’t jump at the chance to run for President.
He doesn’t want to control people. He doesn’t have any
corporate masters to bow down to. He doesn’t have aspirations to
power or control. He simply wants to stand in front of the American people
and lead them back to the Constitutional liberties that we’ve lost
over the decades.
And that is why he is exactly the man for this
The Country Needs the Liberty
The Liberty Movement Needs Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Sign the Petition to Draft Judge Napolitano in 2013!
The Liberty Movement Needs Judge Andrew Napolitano.
Sign the Petition to Draft Judge Napolitano in 2013!
We need you
alongside us as we make 2013 about getting the Judge to accept the job of
leading the Liberty Movement successfully through the 2016 Presidential
elections. We can’t afford to wait until the primaries to build
support for a Judge Napolitano presidency. We need someone to lead with a
steady hand for the next three years, and guide the country toward the
logical conclusion – that a return to Liberty is the only way back to
prosperity and greatness.
If you haven’t yet, sign
the petition and let the Judge know that he’s our man. And please
take a few minutes and forward this email to every Liberty-loving American
you know. Post the link to the petition ( on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
Tumblr, and every other network you happen to be a part
The voice of the establishment and those who would lead our
Movement astray is loud and powerful, but the voice of We the People is
always more powerful – as long as we use it to its full potential. We
mustn’t let this year pass us by without taking advantage of this
chance to reunite and reinvigorate the Liberty Movement.
Defend Liberty.
Draft the Judge.

Larry Hunter
209 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Suite 2109
Washington, DC 20003
209 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Suite 2109
Washington, DC 20003
P.S. Remember,
"Beyond The Man Is The Movement". We must have a leader who doesn't just
know how to talk the talk about the principles of liberty but also has a
proven record of walking the walk on those principles. The country needs
the Liberty Movement, and the Liberty Movement needs Judge Napolitano. And
we need your signature to make it happen. Please sign the petition