Criminals destroy private property in vain effort to silence local tax-freedom activists

Local tax freedom activists placed a sign in front of the Ron Paul Louisiana Headquarters at 7047 Jefferson Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the blessing of Pete Chamberlain, Louisiana State Director, and Charlie Davis, Louisiana State Chairman.
On the evening of April 16th, criminals vandalized the sign with spray paint, effectively censoring the anti-taxation message, and damaging the private property of both the Ron Paul campaign and the local activists.
Alex Velasquez, spokesman for the Baton Rouge-based Anti-CATS Tax initiative, made the following statement:
“Taxation is initiated by an increasingly-intrusive government intent on growing its footprint no matter the cost to taxpayers, and this outsize growth in government is sometimes supported by fringe elements. You seldom see conservatives vandalizing the private property of liberals, because taxation advocates simply don’t understand or respect private property. Unfortunately, when some wishing to voice their opinion witness resistance on the part of hardworking middle class taxpayers, who bear a heavy tax burden, some in the pro-tax camp resort to vandalism thinking it will advance their cause.”
Ron Paul 2012 Louisiana State Chairman Charlie Davis made the following statement regarding the incident:
“It would be cheaper to buy every person who rides the CATS system their own used car with enough money left over to pay for gas, even at the sky-high prices caused by President Obama’s failed policies such as ‘Cash for Clunkers’ and the drilling moratorium. This is exactly why we need a President committed to relieving the tax burden of everyday Americans. Ron Paul is the only candidate who truly understands the unintended economic consequences of liberal policies such as this taxation initiative.”
In a recent statement on Tax Freedom Day, Ron Paul stated, “As a Congressman, I have never voted to raise taxes or increase spending, which is why I have consistently been named one of the top ‘Taxpayers’ Best Friends’ in Congress by the non-partisan National Taxpayers Union. As President, I will work to reduce the burden of taxes and spending on the American people by passing my ‘Plan to Restore America.’”
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