Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Jon Huntsman’s Visit to South Florida

By DNC Press

Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement regarding U.S. Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman’s visit to South Florida today:

“Today, Jon Huntsman brought his national reinvention tour to Miami, to my own backyard. But I can tell Gov. Huntsman that South Florida will not buy what he’s selling when it comes to his support for the Republican budget plan to end Medicare as we know it. My constituents, like the majority of all Americans, have said loud and clear that they are opposed to ending Medicare and forcing all the pain for deficit reduction on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens. A plan like Jon Huntsman supports, that slashes support for education, eliminates investments that will foster the jobs of the future and gives tax cuts to the richest while shifting the burden to seniors and middle class families will not fly in South Florida or anywhere else for that matter.

And, while Jon Huntsman supports a plan to end Medicare, like the rest of the Republican field, he hasn’t offered a plan to create jobs, improve education or spur innovation and is simply doubling down on the failed economic policies of the past. The past is exactly where the failed economic policies supported by Jon Huntsman and Republicans should remain.”

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