Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Letter from a Common Individual for the Family of America

This editorial was graciously submitted to the Political Spectrum by one of its readers.  Reader submissions and questions are always welcome.  To submit anything for consideration by the Political Spectrum, email Zach Foster at

We have come a long way as a family in this country. Most of you know of our history, each of us has a family, but few I believe think of this Country in that way.

Sometimes families break apart and never settle things till something traumatic happens to bring them back together.  Some never do, but in the back of their minds they know that someone in that family still cares and wants to mend those differences.

Then there are those external things that seek to keep members of that family apart, it feeds off this rips the core of the family apart, using guilt, tragedy, remorse, and loss to keep up and build walls brick by brick. It lies and whispers and exploits till nothing of what once was is gone. Bit by bit it is like a drug; it deceives making members think that was is wrong and what it offers is good.

It says ‘follow me and I can give you what your family can not; I will be your new family as long as you give all to me.’ 

Now some will say that this is the Devil. Some will say this is just a very convincing evil person with a charismatic personality.  It uses loss to foment resentments, it uses resentments and fears and makes what once worked, even though it was not perfect, look bad and unfair. It says ‘I can give you this perfection’ and makes it look easy and that is the appeal of it. It’s easy to grab a hold of, but in life what is supposed to be easy, things that are of worth in life are not easy to attain. But when one finally attains it one realizes it’s worth and takes care to protect and cherish so that others can build and make their own attempts at improvements. It is a foundation, because when one builds something, if you do not have a good foundation, it falls apart and no amount of shoring up can keep what is built up.

Over the past years families have experienced loss. It is a hole; for most it has been the loss of a service member, for others it has been for other reasons, for me the loss has been my wife.

I was once one of those who had been deceived at first I chose the easy path thinking that others were always to blame, for it was easier to do that easy because then I did not have to look at myself. I used others to do the same as it did; instead of working and building on the strong foundation I too shored up what I had built on sandy soil and it came crashing down. So I have had to go back to the foundation and rebuild what I have allowed to be torn down. What is it I am trying to tell you? Well look, look at the mirror, look at what we as a family are about to lose.

Can you honestly look in that mirror and tell yourself that what another can promise to give you is better and of more worth than of what you can work to attain for yourself and family?

Look at what is happening around us to our family. We are told ‘give all to me and I will make sure that others get what I receive from you!’ But this is a lie that takes and takes. At first it makes it look like a choice—that is the deception—it eventually takes without choice but the family is blind to this.  It is by force, and when one or two of the family members see it, they try to warn the others, but it has gotten a strong hold on the others by this time and tells the others ‘what I have given you is best,’ and because the others are so reliant on what they do get, it makes them a hostage to it and because of this fear they cast out and ridicule the others and allow it to take away more and more control breaking and destroying the foundation of the family brick by brick.

Now some of you will think I am talking about Obama, and Socialism and/or Marxism or Communism! Well yes in part, if one honestly looks at history one can see, but it uses history as a tool also. It says ‘look at how bad things were then and now look at how good I have made it for you.’ Was it really responsible for this? Or was it because of what the family could do for itself but didn’t?  And on the surface, yes it does look like it had done this, but if one really looks at it this is a lie.

It relies on us to deceive ourselves because that is the easiest thing to do when one fears of losing what it has received. Now for me, I am one of those family members who sees what it has been doing and has done.  Some say I am the liar, I am the deceiver.  But am I?  For me no, I believe not; I have faith I am not.

Now for this family of America I tell you “LOOK”, look into that mirror if you have the integrity to cast off that drug, and the drug I am referring to consists of many things. For me it has been to turn away from the truth, to turn away from telling it that I am the one who decides what is best for my family, and no one decides for me. Now, with the help of other family members, I will build on that foundation what has been torn down by the beast, the liar, the drug.

It is not easy, but what is worthwhile to me is not the easiest thing to do or the easiest way. What I start, others may have to finish, but I hope they never have to. I am an Individual, I have been given that right by my Creator so that I can create for myself, to keep what I make and to give to others as I, an Individual, see fit to give, sell for my own profit, or to tear down and recreate—Not because the drug says that I should, or takes away from me to make itself look good to others!

Look at what it does: it ignores an individual like me and puts others in a group and tells the group that the Individual is the liar. It tells them that what it gave the group, they cannot have what without the drug. It uses race as a group, separates men and women as a group, age as a group, sexual orientation as a group, language as a group—these are all tools used as a way to make the individual think that one cannot attain what the individual needs or wants to attain without the group.  Such is another lie.

Look at how this Country is made up—it has fifty two Republics. Now you say, ‘what an idiot!  Fifty-two Republics?! No there are fifty states!” Well, no.

When France aligned itself with us during the Revolutionary War it recognized thirteen republics, and what are now the fifty-two republics: each of the States, the District of Columbia, and the entire national government, so fifty-two republics, each of them being an Individual republic (and the key word is “INDIVIDUAL”) .

It, the liar, the best, the drug, over time has been able to make it seem that this is not true. It tells us we are no longer a family of individuals, individual people who live in individual states that is part of an individual republic in the world. It says we are part of a group of others in this world, that we have to give up our individualism and what we have created, and it makes us feel bad for being individuals. It tells us that what the individual creates is not for the individual to decide what to do with. It takes from the individual, decides how much the group gets and returns how much it thinks the individual should get.

Now some will scoff at what I as an “Individual” have written.  The liar will say things, that this individual does not have the ability to understand… They’ll think that just because I have no degree, no education past High School, that I am no one of prominence.  ‘What does this individual know?’  While it is true that this individual has only a High school education, has no degree or skin on his wall, is no one of fame or prominence or monetary wealth—yes these things are true—but THIS individual can accept these truths, because this individual has been able to work to provide a home for his family, put food on the table, and is more than capable of building a future for his own kin.

Who am I?  I am a part of a family of individuals, of individual Republics, all within a larger individual Republic.

Now you will have to decide as an Individual how this truth affects you, and what you as an Individual can create for yourself.

C. Moreing
Common Individual

Images courtesy of Wikimedia commons.  Thanks to Coleman Moreing for the submission.  Send YOUR submission to The Political Spectrum today!

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