We are committed to using these new
tools to fight Medicare and other health care fraud, and we are getting
results: The Administration’s anti-fraud efforts recovered $4.1 billion in
taxpayer dollars last year, the second year recoveries hit this record-breaking
level. Total recoveries over the last three years were $10.7 billion.
Prosecutions are way up, too: the number of individuals charged with fraud
increased from 797 in fiscal year 2008 to 1,430 in fiscal year 2011 -- a more
than 75 percent increase.
Just last week, the Department of Health
and Human Services and the Department of Justice announced "a nationwide
takedown by Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations in seven cities has resulted
in charges against 107 individuals, including doctors, nurses and other
licensed medical professionals, for their alleged participation in Medicare fraud
schemes involving approximately $452 million in false billing." And on
Monday, the Departments announced that, as a part of their Health Care Fraud
Prevention and Enforcement Action Team initiative, they had resolved an
investigation into a pharmaceutical company’s unlawful promotion of a
prescription drug. The Justice Department reported that, "the resolution –
the second largest payment by a drug company -- includes a criminal fine and
forfeiture totaling $700 million and civil settlements with the federal
government and the states totaling $800 million."
The infographic also shows how the
Affordable Care Act is making Medicare stronger and providing new benefits. For
32.5 million people with Medicare received at least one free preventive
service thanks to the health care law.
People with Medicare who hit the prescription drug donut hole have
already saved $3.4 billion on their prescription drugs.
By 2021, the average person with Medicare will save nearly $4,200 thanks
to the new health care law.
You can learn more about these efforts
and our work to implement the Affordable Care Act by visiting
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