Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Any Conservatives After Santorum?

An open letter to the Conservative Party of America, April 2012. The Conservative Party had enthusiastically backed Rick Santorum for the Republican Nomination.

Honorable Chairman,

I certainly understand the major disappointment you must be feeling that your preferred candidate--the one who most closely embodies your beliefs and your values, and everything you think a leader should be--has left the race for the GOP Presidential nomination.

However I must urge you not to fully lose faith.  We still have one true conservative left in this Presidential race.  I understand that you perhaps identify yourself as farther to the right than the facade that passes for the Republican Party these days, and I frankly agree with your reasoning.  Nonetheless I must urge you to reconsider supporting Ron Paul for the nomination.

BEFORE you close this email you must be able to reason that Paul, with his unflinching Constitutionalism and uncompromising pro-life stance (he REFUSED to perform any abortions as an OB-GYN), is a more suitable candidate than the Romney--the out-of-touch, self-described "progressive Republican," flip-flopping architect of ObamaCare--and Gingrich--the serial adulterer, the man who co-wrote global warming legislation with Nancy Pelosi, and the man who flip-flopped on abortion.

As a follower of Jesus Christ and an unapologetic patriot, I have full confidence in Ron Paul's leadership ability as a true Christian in the White House.  Keep in mind that the main (and often only) reason why conservatives, who love Paul's very conservative economic and domestic policy, oppose Paul is his non-interventionist foreign policy.  However, consider this: do you honestly expect all those Republicans in Congress (with Christian constituencies) to stand idly by and let Israel be attacked?  Nonsense!  Ron Paul is a strict Constitutionalist, therefore if the Congress passed a resolution or even declaration of war, President Paul would be Constitutionally obligated to honor it.

I urge you to consider approaching Ron Paul through the framework of the 'Conservative Unity Slate' whereupon Santorum supporters are banding together with Paul supporters at the grass roots level in order to form a united conservative pro-America front to oppose the liberals Obama and Romney (or as I like to call them, Coke and Diet Coke).

First and foremost, let us agree with the wisdom of Ronald Reagan when he said "I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism."  Yes, that was Ronald Reagan, who also said “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country.”

Now I recommend to you an inspirational blog post written by a passionate Santorum supporter which has now gone viral.

An article – “Top S.C. Tea Party Senator To Endorse Paul.”

Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith in Christ

Distinguished war veteran’s endorsement of Ron Paul:

And most importantly, with all the youth and independent votes, Ron Paul truly has a strong chance to beat Obama!

Mr. Chairman, I certainly pray that you will inquire into the above sources I’ve provided, for there is so much at stake, and can we really risk not knowing if the future of the country is in this man’s hands?  Thank you for considering my thoughts on these matters.  I like to think that while the Minutemen had the brutal task of fighting their revolution on the battlefield, we have the privilege of fighting a peaceful revolution at the ballot box.  God be with you.

Zach Foster
A concerned citizen

Since this letter was written in April, Ron Paul has won the majority of RNC delegates in Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Louisiana, Washington, and other states.  He is the only remaining contender challenging BarMitt Obamney.

Next: The CP-USA Chairman's gracious reply and my counter-response.

Video by Revolution PAC.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. Excellent letter, Zach. Passionate and reasonable. We could use more passion with reason in the party.
