Job Solutions Mean More Poverty, Fewer Jobs
Republicans across the country are
pushing to cut unemployment benefits. As a result, we see more anxiety amongst
workers who are unemployed for longer and longer periods of time - especially
amongst older workers. But what would happen to the poverty rates and smalls
businesses if the GOP get their way and unemployment benefits are cut? Read this article to find out.
News on Jobs from the People's World
To start off, how reforming Wall Street
is a job for the American people; in Massachusetts: job creation up,
unemployment down; and from Latina moms in Chicago: "Young people dying all
around us because there are no jobs, because of poverty, injustice,
foreclosures, lack of immigrant rights - but I'm done crying about it."
Remember to take action on our jobs bill
In solidarity,
Labor Chair, CPUSA
Source: CPUSA e-letter
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