Problems & Solutions
There is a lot of bad news for working
people these days: only 69,000 jobs were added in May, while the unemployment
rate inched higher to 8.2%; US median net worth is down by nearly 40 percent; the number of long-term unemployed swelled last month from 5.1 million to
5.4 million... the list goes on and on.
Why is the Great Recession lasting
longer than any other crisis since the Great Depression? Many are starting to
believe the Republicans deliberately crashed the US economy - a poll by
Public Policy Polling shows 49% believe Republicans are deliberately hamstringing efforts to
resuscitate the economy in order to bolster their chances of defeating
President Barack Obama. And starting last year in Wisconsin, and continuing
last week with Romney, Republicans are attacking public workers and rejecting the
economic answer to the recession - public sector jobs.
So, where do we go from here? Obviously,
we need to create jobs here and stop offshoring them. Another measure that
would help is to raise the minimum wage, and stop preventing workers from
getting unemployment benefits. Take action to help on all of these fronts:
Raise the Minimum Wage, Create Jobs,
Stop Offshoring, and Protect Unemployment
Raise the minimum wage with H.R. 5901, which would raise the Federal minimum wage to
$10/hour and index future increases to such wage to increases in the consumer
price index. ( More info.)
Sign our petition for the Rebuild American Act to create jobs and fund retraining.
Tell Congress to support the US Call Center Worker and
Consumer Protection Bill.
Stop the removal of unemployment benefits for contracted school
workers across Georgia.
Working together, we can make win these
More News of Interest for Working People
Native Americans left out of economic recovery, as always - from the People's
HS Graduates Employment Status 'Bleak' - In a rough
economy, what happens to the youth?
DOL app contest to improve employment for people with disabilities
- $10,000 in cash prizes to help build innovative tools to improve employment
opportunities and outcomes for people with disabilities.
In solidarity,
Labor Chair, CPUSA
Source: e-letter from CPUSA
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