Statement by PSL Vice Presidential

PSL Vice Presidential Candidate Yari
Osorio immigrated from Colombia to the United States at age three with his
mother and older brother. He is now a U.S. citizen, but grew up undocumented.
The harsh anti-immigrant policies in the United States propelled Osorio to
become an ardent advocate for social and economic justice, and for equality.
President Obama’s insistence that his
“hands are tied” on immigration reform was proven false June 15 as the
administration announced an new policy that would allow undocumented youth to
apply for temporary permission to remain in the United States. The “deferred
action” measure would also allow those who are granted to apply for temporary
work permits and social security cards.
President Obama's election campaign move
to appease immigrant youth falls quite short of true equality—but proves that
the new generation of fighters for immigrant rights is a force to be reckoned
with. (READ MORE)
Source: PSL
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