Thursday, June 21, 2012

CPUSA: Kill Bill: The GOP vs. Workers

Last week we focused on how the GOP has been doing everything they can to keep President Obama from having a second term - including stifling the economy and job creation.  This week, we'll give you a few ways to fight back, as well as inform you to what's new in the struggle for the unemployed.

Pass the Highway Bill!
Take Action to pass the highway bill and invest in our nation’s crumbling roads and bridges. We can’t wait any longer! The current law runs out on June 30. The country needs a long-term solution before the deadline. Unemployment in construction requires the passage of the bill, which employs hundreds of thousands of workers in the construction sector.

The Human Face of Unemployment
The Great Recession is the first in modern history where the public sector has shrunk, which has prolonged the recovery as well as kept unemployment figures high. States all around the country are laying off public workers at a very high rate, which continues this vicious cycle. Last year, writer and documentary filmmaker D.W. Gibson spent months journeying across the U.S. to talk to people who have lost their jobs. The result is the new book Not Working, published by OR Books, which finally gives the unemployed a chance to speak out.

Action for Jobs
From the People's World: A spirited march of 150 youth and adult supporters stopped New Haven, CT, traffic to honks of support on Saturday as they made their way from a closed youth center to City Hall. They called for jobs and an end to violence. Speaking of jobs - have you signed our petition for the Rebuild America Act? How about helping the momentum and posting it to your Facebook wall, too? Every person signing brings us a bit closer to passing this needed jobs bill.

In solidarity,            

Scott Marshall
Labor Chair, CPUSA

Source: CPUSA

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