Meet the black woman running for president on a platform of socialist revolution.

--Albie Sachs, South African activist and judge (1990)
With a knowing chuckle, Peta Lindsay recalls this quote when I ask whether our country could feasibly adopt socialism. Then the 27-year-old, who is running for president of the United States on the Party for Socialism and Liberation ticket, explains why she thinks we can.
"With the explosive growth of the Occupy Wall Street movement, people are already struggling against the exploitation of the capitalist system," she told The Root from her Los Angeles home. "People are in motion."
For Lindsay, her campaign serves as another front in that movement. Along with her running mate, 26-year-old Colombian native Yari Osorio, and volunteers from PSL branches in 25 states and Washington, D.C., the bubbly African-American activist has been speaking at campuses, handing out flyers at community meetings and planning demonstrations about economic change through the socialist transformation of society.
"We're highly organized, and we're used to doing… (Read on)
Source: The Root
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