By Meagan Sharp
Is Iran in 2012 another Iraq like

As if that crisis wasn’t bad enough,
President Obama has made it very clear that he will not only ignore the US
Constitution, but will refuse to listen to congress when they don't let him
have his way. Obama ignores the US Constitution and Congress when it suits his
purposes. He issues edicts without regard to the US Constitution and signs into
law unconstitutional acts. He is blatantly inconsistent, and he continues to
get your support???
Oh, and for those of you who think he’s
saving the economy and lowering unemployment: Our national debt has actually
increased since Bush was in office, to be specific, the Debt rose $4.899
trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency and has now gone up $4.939
trillion since President Obama took office. As for unemployment, North Carolina
has lost nearly 50,000 jobs since President Obama took office and the
unemployment rate is 9.9 percent. In Charlotte, unemployment is even higher, 10
percent. In total, 450,000 North Carolinians are unemployed, up 13 percent
since Obama took office and these are just TWO examples.
HOWEVER, just because I am completely
against Obama being reelected I want to make it clear that I am just as adamant
about Romney NOT being elected either. What Republicans don’t seem to
understand is that if Ron Paul is NOT on the ballot, none of his
supporters are going to vote for Romney. Ron Paul is the only politician that
has a chance of beating Obama. If you vote for Romney and don’t vote for
Ron Paul then you can blame yourselves for Obama’s reelection and be prepared
for a socialist society.
SO PLEASE, vote for peace, not war; for
restraint, not excess; and for civil liberties, not authoritarianism.
RON PAUL 2012.
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