Now that Herman Cain has dropped out of the race my new candidate is….. Congressman Ron Paul. Ron Paul was the only candidate that actually had remorse for how the media treated Herman Cain and the alleged affairs, I will always thank him for showing respect in that nature, with that said. I had always liked a lot of what Ron Paul advocates, I don’t agree with him on everything but probably 90%. I am going to encourage all Ron Paul supporters to come here and openly support Ron Paul for he is now my new official candidate for President. I was asked to support Newt Gingrich, there is no possibly way I could every endorse Newt Gingrich, how the republican party is supporting Gingrich I have no idea. While Newt has had documented multiple affairs with women Herman Cain’s campaign was destroyed by accusations yet Gingrich is at the top of the polls? What the hell is wrong with the Republican party...
Source: Revolution PAC. Image: heraldonline.com
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