I want to begin by thanking every one of you for being readers of the Political Spectrum blog, whether you were with us since December of 2010 or discovered and followed us recently. Without your readership, your feedback, and your constant recommendations—both for content on this blog and recommending us to friends and family—this project would be meaningless. Yet you have stuck with us and some of you have even contributed, and the result is a popular site that features news and articles and tackled events from multiple sides of the spectrum.
Let’s look back on our staggering growth in 2011 and the goals we have all reached together…
My Facebook account was set to attain at least 1,000 politically informed friends. We closed off 2011 with over 1,800 friends. I can also be found on Google Plus. We also looked to have 20,000 total hits by the end of the year. We reached over 23,000, with our average in recent months stabilizing at 3,000+ hits per month.
The RightCenterLeft Twitter account, rich with content from a variety of news sources, was set to reach 5,000 followers. It has over 6,000! Furthermore, I decided to start a NEW Twitter account and a Facebook fan page exclusively for Political Spectrum Publishing (we’ll get to PSP later). Barely three months old, this twitter page, @PublishPolitics, has slowly but steadily grown to have nearly 400 followers.
More people are following us on the Tumblr account, and the Political Spectrum blog’s RSS feed gets more subscribers every week.
We wanted to start a YouTube channel for videos and to start audio podcasts, and we have both on the YouTube channel!
Last but not least, I had a dream for the Political Spectrum to be more than a blog—to also be a sophisticated network. This dream is coming true and then some! In the month of December I had the privilege of launching a new publishing house: Political Spectrum Publishing. We have a website, http://www.politicalspectrumpublishing.com/, and our starting project was a grass roots writing contest in support of Ron Paul. The result is a book called VOICES OF R3VOLUTION and will be released very soon! (Many thanks to Tom Woods, Jeffrey Tucker, and Rand Paul for helping make it possible.) More books will follow, including a few written by Yours Truly.
Furthermore, the Political Spectrum is now one of six blogs maintained by PSP. Joining the ranks are:
- Only the Money! – Reporting on economics, money, and what the government is doing with it.
Politics – Political happenings and the triumphs and tragedies of theCalifornia .Golden State - Ron Paul Revolution – Reporting more detailed news on the Ron Paul campaign that would appeal specifically to Paul supporters, while the more general/popular headlines go to the Political Spectrum.
- The Anti-Marxists Internet Archive Official Blog – News and articles expoaing the inefficiencies and destructiveness of the Marxian system. This endeavor is meant to drive traffic to the Anti-Marxists Internet Archive, a not-for-profit e-library.
- The Mises Blog – A blog kindly hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s Community that features economics and a few political articles I’ve written.
Clearly we have grown a lot over 2011 and we are going strong! This is all thanks to you all, the raeders, contributors, and fans that make this endeavor worthwhile.
Thank you, and have a happy new year.
Zach Foster